With these awards, we honor innovative scientific thinking and years of dedicated meticulous research that expanded knowledge and improved health,” said Claire Pomeroy, president of The Lasker Foundation. “These researchers made groundbreaking discoveries, but not all at once. Their achievements came piece by piece, with each step depending upon continued funding and societal support.”
(New York, September 11) The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation today announced the winners of its 2018 Lasker Awards: C. David Allis from Rockefeller University and Michael Grunstein from the University of California, Los Angeles will receive the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award; John B. Glen, formerly from AstraZeneca, will be honored with the Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award; and Joan Argetsinger Steitz from Yale University will receive the Lasker~Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science. Widely regarded as America’s top biomedical research prize, the Lasker Awards carry an honorarium of $250,000 for each category. The awards will be presented Friday, September 21, in New York City.

C. David Allis and Michael Grunstein
David Allis and Michael Grunstein for discoveries elucidating how gene expression is influenced by chemical modification of histones—the proteins that package DNA within chromosomes

John B. Glen
John Glen for the discovery and development of propofol, the most widely used agent for induction of anesthesia in patients throughout the world

Joan Argetsinger Steitz
Joan Argetsinger Steitz for four decades of leadership in science
Learn more about C. David Allis
- Rockefeller University lab
- Cell essay
- JAMA viewpoint
- Rockefeller University press release: C. David Allis wins 2018 Lasker Award for discovery of new mechanisms regulating gene expression
Learn more about Michael Grunstein
- University of California, Los Angeles lab
- Cell interview
- JAMA viewpoint
- UCLA press release: UCLA’s Michael Grunstein wins 2018 Lasker Award for medical research
Learn more about John B. Glen
- The Society for Intravenous Anesthesia profile
- Cell essay
- JAMA viewpoint
- Royal College of Anaesthetists press release: British researcher receives prestigious scientific award for ground breaking anaesthetic discovery
Learn more about Joan Argetsinger Steitz
- Yale University lab
- Cell interview
- NEJM article
- Yale University press release: Yale’s Joan Steitz honored for lifetime achievement by Lasker Foundation
- Joan Steitz iBiology lecture: SNURPs and Serendipity