In this issue, read about John Gurdon who discovered nuclear reprogramming, the process that instructs specialized adult cells to form early stem cells. And listen to two new episodes of our Classic Lasker podcast featuring Alec Jeffreys and Christopher Reeve.

The “Failure” Who Revolutionized Developmental Biology

Read about Lasker Laureate John Gurdon who “changed the dogma that development was a one-way street.”

Classic Lasker: Alec Jeffreys

Lasker Laureate Alec Jeffreys developed DNA fingerprinting, a technology that revolutionized human genetics and forensics diagnostics. Hear about the first real-world case that it helped solve.

Classic Lasker: Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve was recognized with the 2003 Lasker Public Service Award for his perceptive, sustained, and heroic advocacy for medical research. Listen as he discusses how it all got started.