
About Lasker Admin

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So far Lasker Admin has created 406 blog entries.

Lasker Archives: When Cancer Drugs Were Still a Distant Dream

APRIL 28, 2016
Newsletter Spring 2016. In 1982, five scientists received the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for work that revolutionized our understanding of cancer. Read an excerpt from J. Michael Bishop's inspirational — and revealing — acceptance speech.

Q&A with David Hill, Winner of 2015 Essay Contest

APRIL 28, 2016
Newsletter Spring 2016. David Hill shares with Lasker what inspired him to pursue a career in the field of human microbiome, how he prepared for the essay contest, and how he envisions his future as a young scientist.

The Promise of the Cancer Moonshot

APRIL 28, 2016
Newsletter Spring 2016. One of the monumental achievements of Mary Lasker’s advocacy in support of biomedical research was the signing of the National Cancer Act in 1971. What has been accomplished in cancer research since then, and how will the National Cancer Moonshot build on its legacy?

Spring 2016 Newsletter

2016 Spring
Read about the evolution of cancer research, why we need more PhDs, and check-in with our 2015 Lasker Essay Contest winner.

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