The Foundation is no longer accepting nominations for the 2025 Lasker Awards. Recipients of the 2025 Lasker Awards will be announced in September.

Criteria for the Lasker Awards
- Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award: For a fundamental discovery that opens up a new area of biomedical science.
- Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award: For a major advance that improves the lives of many thousands of people.
- Lasker~Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science: For research accomplishments and scientific statesmanship that engender the deepest feelings of awe and respect.
- Individuals or organizations must meet at least one of the following selection criteria for the Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service Award: 1) improving the public’s understanding of medical research, public health, or healthcare; 2) playing a major role in the support of policy, legislative, or other initiatives that accelerate progress in medical science or health; 3) providing or generating support for medical science or public health; 4) benefiting the lives of many people through public health practice. NOTE: The Public Service Award is given every other year; it will next be offered in 2026.
- The Lasker Foundation seeks nominations of outstanding candidates; nominations of women and minorities are encouraged.
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Contact David Keegan by email or at 212-286-0222.