Lauren Gardner delivered the 2023 Lasker~APSA Lecture at the annual meeting of the AAP/ASCI/APSA on April 23. Gardner is the Alton and Sandra Cleveland Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering and the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University. She is also the Director at the Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Gardner’s talk, titled “Tracking Covid-19 in Real Time: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned,” focused on the development of a new tool for disseminating authoritative public health data in real time.  By launching this global Covid-19 Dashboard, Gardner provided accessible and reliable information about the spread of an emerging infectious disease, thereby filling a void in the international public health system and establishing a model to emulate. This trailblazing resource lit a path toward informed policy guidelines and personal choices amidst a morass of misinformation. In 2022, Gardner was recognized with a Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service Award.