
1994 Lasker Medical Research Awards Jury

1994 Lasker Medical Research Awards Jury

First Row, left to right: Jordan Gutterman, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Executive Vice President, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation (Non-Voting Member of the Jury) ● Anne Fordyce, Director, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation (Non-Voting Member of the Jury) ● Michael DeBakey, Chair of the Jury, Baylor College of Medicine ● Mrs. William McCormick Blair, Jr., Vice President, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation (Non-Voting Member of the Jury) ● James Fordyce, Treasurer and Secretary, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation (Non-Voting Member of the Jury)

Second Row, left to right: J. Michael Bishop, University of California School of Medicine ● Edwin Krebs, University of Washington School of Medicine ● Joseph Goldstein, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center ● Arno Motulsky, University of Washington School of Medicine ● Eric Kandel, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons ● Mary Ellen Avery, Harvard Medical School ●  Solomon Snyder, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Third Row, left to right: Fred Plum, New York Hospital—Cornell Medical Center ● David Kipnis, Washington University School of Medicine ● Ira Herskowitz, University of California School of Medicine ● Samuel Broder, National Institutes of Health ● William Paul, National Institutes of Health ● David Baltimore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ● Ursula Storb, The University of Chicago

Fourth Row, left to right: Alan Spradling, Carnegie Institution of Washington ● Robert Tjian, University of California at Berkeley ●  John Vane, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College ● Martin Raff, University College London ● Leon Rosenberg, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute ● Peter Liebert, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons ● Irving Weissman, Stanford University Medical Center ● Leon Rosenberg, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute ● Brian Matthews, University of Oregon

