Jules Freund
NIH, National Institutes of Health
For the development of immunization procedures against diseases such as tuberculosis, rabies, and poliomyelitis.
The stature of Dr. Freund as a pioneer in the immunology research of our own era makes him a most distinguished recipient of this award for achievement in medical research. His contributions have been many and notable in shedding light upon the hitherto little-understood mechanisms of allergy and, as well, in the field of immunological agents and vaccines.
Internationally famed among the ranks of medical scientists, Dr. Freund has, through his research, clarified and added greatly to knowledge on immunization against tuberculosis, malaria, rabies and poliomyelitis, among other diseases. Techniques of scientific study developed by him have advanced knowledge in basic immunology and have provided tools used routinely in laboratory research by immunologists throughout the world today.
The significance of Dr. Freund’s studies to preventive medicine may be discerned in several important developments. For example, in early investigations of poliovirus vaccines made from brain tissue, it was demonstrated that brain tissue virus produced antibody responses only with the aid of an adjuvant or auxiliary agent developed by Dr. Freund and known as the Freund adjuvant. Another area influenced by his findings is that of adjuvant influenza vaccine, which holds much promise for the future.