G. Brock Chisholm
World Health Organization
First director of the World Health Organization, for his leadership in organizing this vast post-war, international public health concept.
Dr. Brock Chisholm, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), has inspired and organized the vast post-war international public health campaign which has brought about a remarkable reduction in sickness and mortality throughout the world, uniting free nations in constructive collaboration for social and economic progress.
In all the history of public health, nothing has been more fertile than the post-war recognition that the major concern of every country is attainment of the highest possible standard of health, fundamental to the peace and security of the world.
The amazing betterment of world health in the brief span of six years is the result of teamwork among people of all countries, but the unity of effort has been made possible only through farsighted leadership. The credit belongs in the first instance to Dr. Chisholm. Uncompromising on the lofty ideals expressed in the constitution of the World Health Organization, full of compassion for the suffering millions, a born organizer, an accomplished physician of mind and body alike, he has proved the perfect choice for this exacting post.