Bernard B. Brodie
National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health
For extraordinary contributions to biochemical pharmacology.
Probably no man has contributed more to the body of knowledge which makes possible the rational use of drugs in the treatment of many diseases than has Dr. Brodie. His most extraordinary contributions to biochemical pharmacology over the past 30 years have had a profound influence on the use of drugs in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, mental and emotional disorders, and cancer.
Important among his many contributions was his recognition of the way the neurohormones serotonin and norepinephrin affect the functioning of the brain. A practical result of this work has been an understanding of how anti-psychotic drugs can be used effectively in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders, so that toxic effects may be minimized and drug effectiveness increased.
Dr. Brodie also proposed a new line of attack on schizophrenia, and this concept led to numerous studies attempting to correlate the way in which nerve impulses in the brain are transmitted along particular pathways of the nerve cells and their relation to clinical patterns of behavior. His sustained contributions and observations have stimulated research to uncover a basic understanding of how the brain functions in health and disease.
His early work on the distribution and metabolism of anti-malarial, anesthetic, and hypnotic drugs has led to many basic pharmacological concepts which are now used in the development of therapeutic agents.
To Bernard Brodie, for his many and inspiring contributions, this 1967 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award is given.