Eugene L. Bishop
Tennessee Valley Authority
For original and meritorious accomplishments in public health administration.
The career of Eugene Lindsay Bishop is noteworthy for its individual episodes of specific success. Even more, it is esteemed because it encompasses a lifetime of talented leadership and progressive achievement in the advancement of public health administration. His leadership in his home state and region has been observed and commended by public health leaders from all parts of the world.
For three and a half decades, Dr. Bishop has devoted himself to the ideal of efficient health service for all people. As state health officer of Tennessee, he developed a coordinated statewide system of public health activities with sound professional and financial policies, and he pioneered organized staff training for local health departments. He directed successful attacks against numerous health and sanitation deficiencies of which the extraordinary reduction in endemic malaria is one example. As director of Health and Safety of the Tennessee Valley Authority, he has made further important advances in a broad program in which the study and engineering control of impounded waters to reduce endemic malaria is recognized as a brilliant contribution.
Throughout his career, Dr. Bishop has demanded facts to serve as a basis for administrative action and has sponsored comprehensive field survey and research studies for this purpose.