July 2019 Newsletter
JULY 9, 2019
Announcing the 2019 Essay Contest winners! In this issue, we also speak with educators about innovative ways to make science classes more captivating for students.
JULY 9, 2019
Announcing the 2019 Essay Contest winners! In this issue, we also speak with educators about innovative ways to make science classes more captivating for students.
JULY 9, 2019
Educators discuss how to revamp science classes to engage the next generation.
JULY 9, 2019
Meet Grace Beggs, Peter John, and Dereck Paul – the three co-winners of the 2019 Lasker Essay Contest!
JUNE 17, 2019
Finding solutions to the leaking pipeline and changing culture to support women in science
JUNE 17, 2019
In May’s newsletter, we discussed the obstacles women scientists face in their careers. This month, we explore initiatives to improve gender equity and promote diversity in science.
MAY 15, 2019
Successful women scientists discuss the obstacles they overcame.
MAY 15, 2019
We talked with scientists Carol Greider, Nancy Hopkins, Joan Steitz, and Elizabeth McCullagh about the past and ongoing challenges for women forging a career in academic research.
MAY 14, 2019
APSA Lecture. 2019 Lasker Lecture at the American Physician Scientists Association.
MAY 8, 2019
In a three-part seminar, Jeannie Lee explores the physiological importance of X chromosome inactivation and how it provides a research model to study gene silencing.
APRIL 17, 2019
Public Lecture. Elaine Fuchs surveyed the landscape of stem cell research before an audience in Brooklyn.