
About Lasker Admin

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So far Lasker Admin has created 406 blog entries.

Announcing the 2018 Lasker Award winners

SEPT. 11, 2018
David Allis and Michael Grunstein for discoveries elucidating histone modification and gene expression; John Glen for the discovery and development of propofol; and Joan Argetsinger Steitz for pioneering discoveries in RNA biology and for four decades of leadership in biomedical science

What Makes a Piece of Art or Science a Masterpiece?

SEPT 08, 2018
Critics of art and philosophers of science and have long wrestled with the question of what elevates a piece of art or a set of experiments to masterpiece status. Masterpieces of art and science are like hooks that capture our imagination.

Elaine Fuchs: Stem Cell Biology

JULY 6, 2018
In a three-part talk, Elaine Fuchs offers an overview of stem cell biology and its implications for research, disease, and therapeutic approaches to patient care.

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