Celebrating 100th Birthday

MARCH 7, 2021
What makes a great scientist? Lasker Laureate Evelyn Witkin says it is a combination of luck, an instinct for pursuing odd findings, and open-mindedness.

March 2021 Newsletter

MARCH 9, 2021
Learn about the path scientists took to understanding DNA. Also, follow Paul Nurse’s quest to decipher the molecular changes during the cell cycle.

February 2021 Newsletter

FEB. 18, 2021
The 2021 Essay Contest is open for submissions. And the Lasker Foundation launches a new podcast, Dial an Idol.

A Podcast from the Lasker Foundation

FEB. 17, 2021
On Dial an Idol, emerging researchers and physicians call their scientific heroes for guidance. They get advice that’s useful whether you want to be a scientist or anything else.

In Memoriam: Emil Freireich

FEB. 2, 2021
Emil Freireich, who was recognized with a 1972 Lasker Award for developing combination chemotherapy as a treatment for childhood leukemia, has passed away at 93.

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