May 2022 Newsletter

May 10, 2022
Read about Marc Feldmann's contributions to the fight against rheumatoid arthritis, watch Katalin Karikó discuss the development of mRNA therapies, and listen to the third episode of our podcast Classic Lasker, featuring Ralph Steinman.

Classic Lasker: Ralph Steinman

May 10, 2022
Ralph Steinman eloquently explains the role of dendritic cells and what it felt like to receive the Lasker award.

Katalin Karikó: Developing mRNA for Therapy

MAY 5, 2022
In the 2022 Lasker-APSA Lecture, Katalin Karikó traces the history of messenger RNA, from its discovery in the early 1960s, through the modifications that enabled it to be used to rapidly deploy effective Covid-19 vaccines, and then looks forward toward the development of new mRNA therapies.

April 2022 Newsletter

APRIL 6, 2022
Read about Matthew Meselson's lifelong accomplishments in science and public service and check out the second episode of our podcast Classic Lasker, featuring Janet Rowley.

Matthew Meselson: A Double Life

APR. 6, 2022
Read about Matthew Meselson, who was recognized with a Lasker Award for his extraordinary contributions to two different areas of the scientific enterprise: molecular biology and public policy.

Classic Lasker: Janet Rowley

APR. 6, 2022
Janet Rowley had to wait nine months to start medical school because the quota for women had been filled. She went on to win a Lasker Award for transforming our understanding of the genetics of cancer, making it possible to diagnose cancer at the molecular level. Listen to her story.

March 2022 Newsletter

MAR. 14, 2022
Meet groundbreaking scientist and humanitarian Mary Claire King and check out the first episode of our podcast Classic Lasker, featuring Paul Zamecnik. And don't forget that the 2022 Lasker Essay Contest closes on March 30 at 2pm Eastern Time.

In Memoriam: Donald Pinkel

MAR. 13, 2022
Donald Pinkel, who was recognized with a 1972 Lasker Award for developing a cure for acute lymphocytic leukemia, has passed away.

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