Peter Nowell Remembered
JAN. 11, 2017
Peter Nowell, whose investigations of a chromosomal abnormality changed the course of cancer research, has died at age 88.
JAN. 11, 2017
Peter Nowell, whose investigations of a chromosomal abnormality changed the course of cancer research, has died at age 88.
DEC. 15, 2016
From the community: High-School Senior, aspiring scientists and student cancer researcher, Langley Grace Wallace, writes about Mary Lasker's role as a catalyst for the National Cancer Act of 1971 and her impact on the nation's elite scientists.
NOV. 22, 2016
Scientific awards afford a special opportunity to enlighten the general public on how scientific discoveries arise. Like a Francis Bacon triptych, a prizeworthy scientific discovery has its greatest impact in capturing the public’s imagination when the story of its origin can be traced to its fundamental roots and told in an engaging way
NOV. 15, 2016
What is the role of science philanthropy today? How does private investment in science and technology compare to that of the government, and what challenges stand in the way of more support for basic research?
NOV. 15, 2016
Jim and Marilyn Simons talk about establishing and running the Simons Foundation — one of the most dynamic science foundations based in New York — and how they see the role of philanthropy in supporting science.
NOV. 15, 2016
Nancy Wexler’s journey to find the gene that causes Huntington’s disease began in 1968 when her mother was diagnosed with the condition. It took years of fundraising, collaboration, and conferences, and months spent in the stilt villages of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela collecting samples, to find the answer.
NOV. 15, 2016
Robert Tjian, the former president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, discusses whether it’s better to fund people or projects, how to encourage collaboration, and what questions in biology excite him most today.
NOV. 14, 2016
Senator Mark Hatfield received the Albert Lasker Public Service Award for his enduring leadership in support of biomedical research.
NOV. 9, 2016
The November 9, 2016 Lasker Lessons in Leadership keynote lecture was given by Jeremy Nathans at NIH.
OCT. 12, 2016
The Young Scientist Seminars is a new video series from iBiology featuring talented PhD students and postdocs giving talks about their research and discoveries. The Lasker Foundation is pleased to partner with iBiology on this initiative.