How to Win a Lasker? Take a Close Look at Bathers and Bulls
SEPT. 8, 2010
An excellent way to learn how to become a great scientist is to study how exceptional artists like Matisse and Picasso create their magic.
SEPT. 8, 2010
An excellent way to learn how to become a great scientist is to study how exceptional artists like Matisse and Picasso create their magic.
MARCH 16, 2010
University Lecture. The 2010 Lasker Lecture, "The Origin of Cellular Life and the Emergence of Darwinian Evolution," was delivered by Jack Szostak, on March 16, 2010, at the Scripps Research Institute's Florida campus.
NOV. 16, 2009
University Lecture. Dr. Brenner discusses reading the human genome as a means to unveil detailed, intricate paths of evolution.
SEPT. 10, 2009
Papal portraiture has a long tradition, and the story of how it has changed over the last 500 years mirrors how changes have occurred in the biomedical sciences.
SEPT. 8, 2008
Unexpected discoveries open new fields of basic and clinical research, making the achievements of the scientists behind those discoveries both priceless and prizeworthy.
JUNE 2, 2008
Elizabeth Blackburn discusses telomeres, telomerase, and their implications in human health and disease.
APRIL 1, 2008
Sydney Brenner discusses what genes can tell us about the past.
SEPT. 11, 2007
As in art, creation (through invention) and revelation (through discovery) are two different routes to advancement in the biomedical sciences.
MAY 1, 2007
Stanley Falkow discusses host-pathogen interaction and human disease.
MARCH 1, 2007
Brian Druker discusses imatinib as a paradigm for targeted cancer therapies.