
About beatrice

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So far beatrice has created 94 blog entries.

Classic Lasker: David Cushman

May 17, 2023
Listen as David Cushman tells the story of bringing captopril, the first orally active ACE inhibitor and one of the first medications developed through rational design, to the world.

April 2023 Newsletter

APR. 18, 2023
Meet awe-inspiring developmental biologist Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, listen to our new episode of our podcast Classic Lasker featuring Oliver Smithies, and catch up with the 2022 Lasker Annual Report.

I Dreamt of Fruit Flies

APR. 18, 2023
Meet Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, the 1991 Lasker Laureate who charted new paths in developmental biology.

Classic Lasker: Oliver Smithies

APR. 18, 2023
Oliver Smithies gene targeting technology revolutionized the study of human health and disease. Listen as this Lasker Laureate tells the story of how he turned his failure into a resounding success that forever changed biomedical research.

March 2023 Newsletter

MAR. 14, 2023
Meet pioneer scientist Rosalyn Yalow and check out the new episode of our podcast Classic Lasker, featuring Willem Kolff. And don't forget that the 2023 Lasker Essay Contest closes on March 31 at 2pm Eastern Time.

Classic Lasker: Willem J. Kolff

MAR 14, 2023
Willem Kolff wanted to save as many people as he could from renal failure. Listen as this Lasker Laureate tells the story of how he developed renal hemodialysis, artificial kidneys, and more.

A “Woman of Firsts” Who Transformed Medical Testing

MAR. 14, 2023
Meet Rosalyn Yalow, the first woman and the first nuclear physicist to win a Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. She developed the technique of radioimmunoassay, one of the most important clinically applied basic research advances of the past 50 years.

February 2023 Newsletter

FEB. 8, 2023
Discover how to compete in the 2023 Lasker Essay. And read about Michael Brown and Joseph Goldstein's extraordinary and enduring scientific partnership.

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