Biological Sciences “Converge” on a New Direction
OCT. 15, 2019
Researchers are increasingly interested in integrating distinct disciplines and technologies to gain biological insights and make research breakthroughs.
OCT. 15, 2019
Researchers are increasingly interested in integrating distinct disciplines and technologies to gain biological insights and make research breakthroughs.
OCT. 15, 2019
We explore how convergence science is transforming biomedicine and talk with Lasker Laureate Ron Vale about iBiology's new online textbook, The Explorer's Guide to Biology.
OCT. 11, 2019
iBiology has launched a free introductory biology textbook, The Explorer's Guide to Biology. We speak with Ron Vale about why the textbook medium is ripe for reinvention.
OCT. 7, 2019
Congratulations to William Kaelin Jr, Peter Ratcliffe, and Gregg Semenza for winning the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
SEPT. 30, 2019
A multi-part introduction to bioimage analysis that provides an overview of the practice and principles of microscopy digital image handling. Follow the life cycle of an image data set, from acquisition to analysis.
SEPT. 11, 2019
Cooper and Miller for the discovery of B and T cells; Shepard, Salmon, and Ullrich for the invention of a targeted antibody therapy for breast cancer; and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance for providing sustained access to childhood vaccines around the globe.
SEPT. 10, 2019
Learn about the 2019 Lasker laureates and their work.
SEPT. 9, 2019
News coverage, features, essays, and commentary on the 2019 Lasker Awards.
SEPT 08, 2019
The iconic phrase “a shot heard ‘round the world” signifies an exceptional event. Seurat’s masterpiece La Grande Jatte, painted with many thousand dots of color, came as a shot to the art world—a shot fired by the imagination of the artist and inspired by the color theories of a scientist.
SEPT. 8, 2019
Joseph Goldstein explores the deep relationship between art and science in a series of essays that accompany the annual Lasker Awards.