Select Winner
Adams, Lane W.
Ahlquist, Raymond P.
Alberts, Bruce M.
Allen, Edgar V.
Allis, C. David
Allison, James P.
Alter, Harvey J.
Ambros, Victor R.
Anderson, Jr., Porter Warren
Armstrong, Clay M.
Arnstein, Margaret
Astwood, Edwin B.
Atwater, Reginald M.
Austrian, Robert
Avery, Oswald T.
Baltimore, David
Bartenschlager, Ralf F.W.
Baulcombe, David C.
Baulieu, Etienne-Emile
Baumgartner, Leona
Beadle, George Wells
Beck, Aaron T.
Benabid, Alim Louis
Benzer, Seymour
Berg, Paul
Bergström, K. Sune D.
Berridge, Michael J.
Bishop, Eugene L.
Bishop, J.Michael
Black, J.W.
Blackburn, Elizabeth H.
Blalock, Alfred
Blobel, Günter
Bloomberg, Michael R.
Borst, Piet
Boudreau, Frank G.
Boyer, Herbert W.
Brady, Roscoe O.
Brenner, Sydney
Brinker, Nancy G.
Brodie, Bernard B.
Brown, Donald D.
Brown, Michael S.
Burchenal, Joseph H.
Burkitt, Denis
Burnet, F. MacFarlane
Calne, Roy
Capecchi, Mario
Carbone, Paul P.
Carpentier, Alain
Cech, Thomas R.
Chambon, Pierre
Charnley, John
Chisholm, G. Brock
Christensen, L.R.
Ciechanover, Aaron
Clark, Graeme M.
Clarke, Cyril A.
Clements, John Allen
Cohen, Morley
Cohen, Stanley
Cohen, Stanley N.
Coleman, Douglas
Coons, Albert
Cooper, Max D.
Cooper, Theodore
Cori, Carl
Cotzias, George C.
Cournand, André
Craig, Lyman C.
Crick, F.H.C
Cushman, David W.
Dalldorf, Gilbert
Darnell Jr., James E.
Dean, H. Trendley
DeBakey, Michael E.
Defries, Robert D.
Deisseroth, Karl
DeLong, Mahlon R.
Deniker, Pierre
DeVita Jr., Vincent T.
Dingle, John Holmes
Dixon, Frank J.
Djerassi, Isaac
Doctors Without Borders
Doherty, Peter C.
Dole, Vincent P.
Druker, Brian J.
Dubos, René J.
Duke, Robin Chandler
Dulbecco, Renato
Dyer, R.E
Edler, Inge G.
Edwards, Robert G.
Eliot, Martha
Elledge, Stephen J.
Elvehjem, Conrad A.
Enders, John F.
Endo, Akira
Erikson, Raymond L.
Essex, Myron
Evans, Martin
Evans, Ronald
Falkow, Stanley
Farber, Sidney
Fauci, Anthony S.
Feldmann, Marc
Ferrara, Napoleone
Finn, Ronald
Fisher, Bernard
Foege, William H.
Ford, Betty
Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz
Francis, Thomas, Jr.
Freda, Vincent J.
Freeman, Harold P.
Frei III, Emil
Freireich, Emil J.
Freis, Edward D.
Freund, Jules
Friedman, Jeffrey M.
Fujimoto, James G.
Furchgott, Robert F.
Gall, Joseph G.
Gallo, Robert C.
Gardner, Lauren
Gates, Bill
Gates, Melinda
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Gibbon Jr., John H.
Gibbs, Frederic A.
Gilbert, Walter
Gilman, Alfred G.
Glen, John B.
Goldstein, Joseph L.
Good, Robert A.
Gorman, John G.
Gotschlich, Emil C.
Grant, John B.
Greider, Carol W.
Gross, Ludwik
Gross, Robert E.
Grunstein, Michael
Guillemin, Roger C.L.
Gurdon, John
Haide, Ma (George Hatem)
Hall, Michael N.
Hamilton, Alice
Hanafusa, Hidesaburo
Harris, Oren
Hartl, Franz-Ulrich
Hartwell, Lee
Hassabis, Demis
Hatfield, Mark O.
Hegemann, Peter
Heidelberger, Michael
Heimlich, Henry J.
Hench, Philip S.
Hershey, Alfred D.
Hershko, Avram
Hertz, C. Hellmuth
Hertz, Roy
Hill, Lister
Hille, Bertil
Hilleman, Maurice R.
Hillier, James
Hochmair, Ingeborg
Holland, James F.
Holley, Robert W.
Hood, Leroy
Horwich, Arthur L.
Houghton, Michael
Hounsfield, Godfrey N.
Huang, David
Huggins, Charles
Hughes, John
Hynes, Richard O.
Jeffreys, Alec
Jensen, Elwood
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Jumper, John
Kaelin Jr., William G.
Kaiser, A. Dale
Kan, Yuet Wai
Kandel, Eric R.
Karikó, Katalin
Katz, Louis N.
Kelman, Charles D.
Kendall, Edward C.
Kety, Seymour S.
Khorana, H. Gobind
King, Mary-Claire
Kinsey, V. Everett
Klein, Edmund
Kline, Nathan S.
Knudson Jr., Alfred G.
Köhler, Georges J.F.
Kolff, Willem J.
Koshland Jr., Daniel E.
Kosterlitz, Hans W.
Kouwenhoven, William B.
Krebs, Edwin G.
Krebs, Hans Adolf
Krugman, Saul
Kunkel, Henry G.
L'Esperance, Elise
Laborit, Henri
Laird, Melvin R.
Landers-Eppie Lederer, Ann
Landsteiner, Karl
Lauterbur, Paul C.
Leder, Philip
Lehmann, Heinz E.
Lennox, William G.
Leone, Lucile Petry
Levi-Montalcini, Rita
Levine, Philip
Lewis, Edward B.
Li, Choh H.
Li-Min Chiu
Lillehei, C. Walton
Link, Karl Paul
Lo, Yuk Ming Dennis
Lowy, Douglas R.
Lydon, Nicholas B.
Macfarlane, Catherine
MacKinnon, Roderick
Magnuson, Warren
Mahoney, David
Mahoney, John
Maini, Ravinder N.
Maniatis, Tom
Marshall, Barry J.
Masui, Yoshio
McCarty, Maclyn
McClintock, Barbara
McCulloch, Ernest A.
McDermott, Walsh
McIver, Pearl
McKay, Frederick S.
McKusick, Victor A.
Médecins Sans Frontières
Menninger, Karl
Menninger, William
Merrifield, Bruce
Meselson, Matthew
Metcalf, Donald
Meyer, Karl
Meyer, Karl F.
Miller, Jacques
Milstein, César
Montagnier, Luc
Mori, Kazutoshi
Mountcastle, Vernon
Murad, Ferid
Muschenheim, Carl
Neel, James V.
Neufeld, Elizabeth F.
Ngu, V. Anomah
Nirenberg, Marshall W.
Nishizuka, Yasutomi
Noce, Robert H.
Nowell, Peter C.
Nurse, Paul
Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane
O'Connor, Basil
O'Neill Jr., Thomas P.
Oesterhelt, Dieter
Oldendorf, William
Ondetti, Miguel A.
Page, Irvine H.
Palade, George E.
Papanicolaou, George
Pate, Maurice
Patz, Arnall
Penrose, L.S.
Pepper, Claude
Phelps, Earle Bernard
Phillips, Robert Allan
Pinkel, Donald
Planned Parenthood
Pollack, William
Porter, John Edward
Potter, Michael
Prusiner, Stanley B.
Ptashne, Mark S.
Puck, Theodore
Ratcliffe, Peter J.
Reeve, Christopher
Rice, Charles M.
Richards, Alfred
Richardson, Elliot L.
Robbins, John B.
Robitzek, Edward H.
Roeder, Robert
Rogers, Paul G.
Rothman, James
Rous, Peyton
Rowley, Janet D.
Rubin, Harry
Ruoslahti, Erkki
Rusk, Howard A.
Ruska, Ernst
Ruvkun, Gary B.
Sabin, Albert B.
Sabin, Florence R.
Salk, Jonas E.
Samuelsson, Bengt
Sanger, Frederick
Sawyers, Charles L.
Schally, Andrew V.
Schekman, Randy
Scheller, Richard H.
Schiller, John T.
Schmitt, Francis O.
Schneerson, Rachel
Schou, Mogens
Schramm, Gerhard
Science Times of The New York Times
Scribner, Belding H.
Selikoff, Irving J.
Semenza, Gregg L.
Sharp, Phillip A.
Sheahan, Marion W.
Sheetz, Michael
Shepard, H. Michael
Shepard, William P.
Shope, Richard E.
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
Skipper, Howard E.
Slamon, Dennis J.
Smadel, Joseph E.
Smith, David H.
Smith, Homer
Smithies, Oliver
Snyder, Solomon H.
Sofia, Michael J.
Sokoloff, Louis
Sommer, Alfred
Sones, Jr., F. Mason
Soper, Fred
Southern, Edwin M.
Sperry, Roger Wolcott
Spiegelman, Sol
Springer, Timothy A.
Spudich, James
Starr, Albert
Starr, Isaac
Starzl, Thomas E.
Stein, Jules
Steinman, Ralph M.
Steitz, Joan Argetsinger
Strominger, Jack L.
Südhof, Thomas C.
Sutherland, Earl W.
Swanson, Eric A.
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert
Szostak, Jack W.
Taussig, Helen B.
Temin, Howard M.
The Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health
Theiler, Max
Thomas, Lewis
Till, James
Tillett, William S.
Tonegawa, Susumu
Tu Youyou
Ullrich, Axel
Unanue, Emil R.
Underwood, Felix J.
Vakil, Rustom Jal
Vale, Ronald
Van Scott, Eugene J.
Van Slyke, C.J.
Vane, John R.
Varco, Richard L.
Varmus, Harold E.
Varshavsky, Alexander
Vigneaud, Vincent du
Waksman, Selman A.
Wald, George
Walter, Peter
Warden, Herbert E.
Watson, James D.
Weatherall, David J.
Weicker Jr., Lowell P.
Weissman, Drew
Wexler, Nancy S.
White, Paul Dudley
Wiener, Alexander W.
Wiggers, Carl J.
Wiley, Don C.
Wilkins, M.H.F.
Wilkins, Robert W.
Wilson, Blake S.
Wilson, John
Windle, William F.
Witkin, Evelyn M.
Wolman, Abel
World Health Organization
Wright, Irving S.
Yalow, Rosalyn S.
Yamanaka, Shinya
Yanofsky, Charles
Zamecnik, Paul C.
Ziegler, John L.
Zinkernagel, Rolf M.
Zoll, Paul M.
Zubrod, C. Gordon