B and T cells—the organizing principle of the adaptive immune systemMax D. Cooper, Jacques MillerLasker Admin2021-04-29T14:49:09-04:00Year of awards: 2019| Awards: BASIC|
Herceptin—a targeted antibody therapy for breast cancerH. Michael Shepard, Dennis J. Slamon, Axel UllrichLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:20:07-05:00Year of awards: 2019| Awards: CLINICAL|
Providing sustained access to childhood vaccines around the globeGavi, the Vaccine AllianceLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:20:46-05:00Year of awards: 2019| Awards: PUBLIC SERVICE|
Histone modifications and gene expressionC. David Allis, Michael GrunsteinLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:23:29-05:00Year of awards: 2018| Awards: BASIC|
Discovery and development of propofol, a widely used anestheticJohn B. GlenLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:24:15-05:00Year of awards: 2018| Awards: CLINICAL|
Leadership in RNA biology and in scientific mentorshipJoan Argetsinger SteitzLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:24:43-05:00Year of awards: 2018| Awards: SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT|
Nutrient-activated TOR proteins that regulate cell growthMichael N. HallLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:27:24-05:00Year of awards: 2017| Awards: BASIC|
HPV vaccines for cancer preventionDouglas R. Lowy, John T. SchillerLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:27:57-05:00Year of awards: 2017| Awards: CLINICAL|
Essential health services and reproductive carePlanned ParenthoodLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:28:45-05:00Year of awards: 2017| Awards: PUBLIC SERVICE|
Oxygen sensing – an essential process for survivalWilliam G. Kaelin, Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe, Gregg L. SemenzaLasker Admin2021-05-27T15:40:33-04:00Year of awards: 2016| Awards: BASIC|
Hepatitis C replicon system and drug developmentRalf F.W. Bartenschlager, Charles M. Rice, Michael J. SofiaLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:31:30-05:00Year of awards: 2016| Awards: CLINICAL|
Discoveries in DNA replication, and leadership in science and educationBruce M. AlbertsLasker Admin2021-02-27T15:31:48-05:00Year of awards: 2016| Awards: SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT|